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Izzy menu provides a consistent and seamless user experience across different devices. Users can navigate the menu smoothly without facing any inconsistencies or issues related to formatting, layout, or functionality. This enhances customer satisfaction and reduces frustration.

Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu

The problem

With the increasing usage of smartphones, having a mobile-friendly menu is crucial. Most users encounter difficulties in navigating the menu, finding relevant information about menu items, and placing orders. The lack of customization options, allergen labels, and clear portion sizes further hampers the user's ability to make informed choices.

Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu

Our Goal

With the increasing usage of smartphones, having a mobile-friendly menu is crucial. Most users encounter difficulties in navigating the menu, finding relevant information about menu items, and placing orders. The lack of customization options, allergen labels, and clear portion sizes further hampers the user's ability to make informed choices.

Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu
Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu

User research summary
& pain points

In this project, which is an agnostic digital menu service for restaurants, I interviewed potential users and collected their needs, desires and wishes. After the interviews I created empathy maps of them and also I elaborate personas based on the interview results. The group of interviewees gave us good results that we are going to incorporate into the service. The group consists essentially of people who are food lovers and usual restaurant consumers, between the ages of 25 to 50.

  • Unable to customize their order according to their preferences
  • Users may be frustrated if the digital menu does not provide comprehensive information
  • Users with allergies or dietary restrictions may face uncertainty if the digital menu does not clearly label allergens
  • A cumbersome ordering process with multiple steps or excessive data entry requirements may frustrate users
Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu
Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu
Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu
Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu
Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu

Starting the design —

Low-fidelity prototypes are quick and easy to create, allowing designers to iterate rapidly. With minimal time and effort invested, designers can explore multiple design options, test different concepts, and gather feedback early in the design process.

Izzy Menu | Responsive Online Menu

Refining the design

Mockups provide a visual representation of the user interface, allowing designers to showcase the aesthetics and visual elements of the design. After the usability study elements were re-arrange in the navigation section, as well I added full descriptions and an image carousel on the product detail page.

Going forward

izzy menu ensures that all customers, regardless of their abilities or the devices they use, can access and interact with the menu easily. This inclusivity enhances the overall dining experience for everyone, including people with disabilities. Digital menus often allow customers to filter, search, and sort through menu items more efficiently. This saves time and reduces frustration when compared to traditional printed menus, especially in large restaurants with extensive menus. One more thing to keep in mind is health concerns like the COVID-19 pandemic, contactless menus eliminate the need for physical handling, promoting a more hygienic dining experience.